
Financial Advisor – Worth it?

Is It Worth the Money to Hire a Financial Advisor? Vanguard Study Calculates the True Value of a Financial Advisor Among the most common questions financial advisors hear is, “Why on Earth should I hire you when I can manage my own money? I have a Superannuation Account and if I want to make other investments there’s a ton of information and advice available on the internet.” We totally understand the question. Financial advice typically costs 1 percent of your portfolio per year. So, yes, people want to know if they are getting what they pay for. Vanguard, one of the world’s largest investment companies, has been examining this question for 15 years. Based on research, analysis, and testing, Vanguard has concluded that, yes, there is a quantifiable increase in return from working with a financial advisor. Vanguard calls this advantage the Advisor’s Alpha. When certain best practices are followed, the result can be an Alpha in the 3 percent [...]

By |2021-01-18T14:50:41+11:00January 18th, 2021|Tips and Other News|0 Comments

The need for advice is the one thing that won’t ever go away…

There is perhaps no greater critic of Australia's financial advice industry than Connect Financial Service Brokers chief executive Paul Tynan. At the same time, there is no greater advocate. Jamie Williamson writes. Having worked in the industry for more than 40 years, Paul Tynan has lived its evolution and is now a staunch, frequently outspoken supporter of what he hopes will be its revolution. A proud country boy, Tynan got into financial services by way of an accounting degree because "it was just what you did in those days." Never one to sugarcoat, Tynan says he realised he "had too much personality and liked talking to people too much" to remain an accountant and joined AMP's corporate superannuation division in 1975. After 10 years in various administrative roles, Tynan became one of AMP's first superannuation consultants, eyeing an opportunity to be a part of something big. "Everyone goes on about how super was started in 1992, but it wasn't. [...]

By |2019-03-12T11:25:38+11:00August 27th, 2018|Community Activity|0 Comments
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