Superannuation Insights: 5 Lessons Learned

An article from The Conversation by Susan Thorp provides valuable insights and advice related to superannuation, benefiting our clients by helping them make informed decisions about their finances. After a lifetime studying superannuation, here are 5 things I wish I knew earlier. Published: January 29, 2024 6.03am AEDT Susan Thorp Professor of Finance, University of Sydney Amassing the wealth needed to support retirement by regular saving is a monumental test of personal planning and discipline. Fortunately for most Australian workers, the superannuation system can help. Superannuation uses the carrot of tax incentives, and the sticks of compulsion and limited access, to make us save for retirement. There are benefits to paying timely attention to your super early in your working life to get the most from this publicly mandated form of financial self-discipline. I've been researching and thinking about superannuation for most of my career. Here's what I wish I knew at the beginning of my working life. 1. [...]