market news

Brexit Market Watch – The Economy and Financial Markets

Britain has voted to ‘Leave’ the European Union (EU) 52 – 48 per cent. But the debate about the implications for economies and financial markets is just beginning. The magnitude of the impact on markets and economies is open to debate. The likely rolling series of “shocks” are expected to be financial, political and economic. The UK will be most affected. But Europe (and the rest of the world) will not emerge unscathed. A financial shock Volatility has risen in the wake of the Brexit decision. Currency volatility can be seen in the Pound, US dollar and Australian dollar. We anticipate it will take up to another week before currency volatility settles down. […]

By |2019-03-12T11:25:39+11:00July 19th, 2016|Market News|0 Comments

Brexit Watch – Search for Stability

In the wake of Brexit, PIMCO recorded a conversation with Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, now member of PIMCO’s Global Advisory Board, and Andrew Balls, CIO Global Fixed Income, on the challenges facing the UK following its historic referendum to leave the EU. The discussion offers perspectives on Brexit’s global economic impact and implications for investors. This call was recorded on 5 July 2016 and the recording is delivered by streaming audio.

By |2019-03-12T11:25:39+11:00July 14th, 2016|Market News|0 Comments

“Andrew Bolt is wrong on the economy and the budget”

By Peter Switzer One of my nightly commitments after I finish my TV show at 8pm is to listen to my colleague Steve Price and his sidekick Andrew Bolt on 2GB, 4BC, 3AW and a host of stations around the country. When politics heats up, like it did last night, with the Senate bringing on a double dissolution expectation, it’s always instructive to hear the thoughts of one of the country’s most right-wing thinkers. Andrew is also set to have his own show on the Sky News Channel, so he’ll be a colleague of mine there too, so it makes me want to ask: “Whose giving him his economic briefings?” They’re way off beam, way too negative and it means he was telling his radio audience that the upcoming Budget will be all bad news. He thinks there’s no money as well so he can’t see any scope for positives to come out of Scott Morrison’s mouth on May 3, [...]

By |2019-03-12T11:25:39+11:00April 29th, 2016|Market News|0 Comments

Market Highlights March 2016

Central banks back in action Concerns of a sharp deterioration in global growth eased back following three major announcements by central banks in March. 1. The European Central Bank (ECB) –increased the monthly size of asset purchases by €20bn and extended the coverage of these purchases to investment grade non-bank corporate paper. This has significantly reduced risks in the European banking sector, a large holder of these securities. With the ECB now buying up these securities and providing cheap funding to banks, the risk of a more significant slowing in euro zone growth, via a sharp reduction in bank lending, has been greatly reduced. […]

By |2019-03-12T11:25:39+11:00April 29th, 2016|Market News|0 Comments

Making sense of the volatile markets

Craig James is CommSec's Chief Economist reviews the events of the last quarter. and in this report James looks at making sense of the volatile markets for your understanding. Economic & financial trends Shares slide: The US Dow Jones share index fell by 391 points or 2.4% on Friday. Volatile markets: In Australia over the past year there have been 85 daily moves on the ASX 200 index of more or less than 1%– a 3½-year high using annual rolling averages. Expensive US stocks: The over-priced US share market is contributing to the unsettled times. The US share market is over-valued by around 10%. The Australian share market is reasonably valued based on historic averages. What does it all mean? Financial markets are volatile. While that is hardly a new statement, investors have been on somewhat of a roller-coaster ride – not just in recent days or weeks but stretching back to 2014. Much is happening, from plunging oil prices [...]

By |2019-03-12T11:25:39+11:00January 31st, 2016|Market News|0 Comments

Economic outlook for 2016

Dr Shane Oliver is Head of Investment Strategy and Economics and Chief Economist at AMP Capital is responsible for AMP Capital's diversified investment funds. He provides economic forecasts and analysis of key variables and issues affecting, or likely to affect, all asset markets. In this article ge reviews the economic outlook for 2016. SMH Article 13-1-2016 Asset class views Short term (next few months) Medium term (next 1-3 years) Global equities Expect volatility to remain high into the US Federal Reserve’s December meeting, followed by seasonal strength. The cyclical bull market likely has further to go due to attractive valuations against bonds, ‘not too hot/not too cold’ global growth, a lack of investor euphoria and easy monetary conditions but we remain vigilant to any deterioration in fundamentals. Australian Equities Expect volatility to remain high into the US Federal Reserve’s December meeting, followed by seasonal strength. A continuing cyclical bull market globally and low interest rates, the boost to profits from [...]

By |2019-03-12T11:25:39+11:00January 21st, 2016|Market News|0 Comments
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